Conventional Therapy – Is it a Better Choice Than Alternative Medicine?

Conventional Therapy – Is it a Better Choice Than Alternative Medicine?

Conventional therapy involves the use of medications and surgeries to cure cancer. This method is not as popular as complementary or alternative therapies but it is still a common form of treatment. Examples of conventional treatments include chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation. According to the National Cancer Institute, conventional therapies are effective in treating most types of cancer.

Some people argue that conventional therapy is a better choice than alternative treatments. Alternative therapies haven’t been tested to prove that they are more effective than conventional therapies. However, those who advocate incorporating complementary and alternative medicine into the medical system argue that their treatments are not only safer, but also provide better quality of life.

In a recent study, researchers compared the outcomes of two types of conventional therapies for type 2 diabetes: surgical and conventional therapy. While both types of therapies showed some benefits, they were not completely successful in improving the condition. While conventional-therapy groups had similar remission rates at 2 years, surgical patients had a significantly greater chance of reaching remission.

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