Harnessing the Potential of CBD – Debunking Myths and Exploring Benefits

Harnessing the Potential of CBD – Debunking Myths and Exploring Benefits

CBD’s mood enhancing properties help to ease anxiety and promote mental health, without producing psychoactive effects like THC does.

Studies published by the Journal of Psychiatry demonstrate the power of CBD to ease participants’ anxiety during simulated public speaking exams, showing its promise as an add-on therapy. The results are impressive and demonstrate its great promise as an adjunct therapy solution.

1. It Gets You High

CBD is an incredible multipurpose wellness solution. With anxiolytic and calming effects that may help individuals manage anxiety and stress – often precursors to substance use – CBD may also alleviate withdrawal symptoms like pain, nausea and insomnia.

Note that CBD does not cause highs; in fact, it contains very little tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is the psychoactive component found in cannabis and marijuana that produces feelings of euphoria when used recreationally.

CBD won’t get you high because it does not activate CB1 receptors like THC does; rather, CBD activates different molecular targets to promote homeostasis and homeostasis.

2. It Doesn’t Work

There may be a small percentage of individuals who do not respond well to CBD products, yet that may have nothing to do with your brain chemistry and everything to do with what product they’re using.

Select a trusted CBD brand that offers third-party lab test results that pass tests for pesticides, heavy metals and mold. Furthermore, make sure that you use an appropriate dose that fits with your personal needs, taking it on an ongoing basis.

Remember, CBD is meant to supplement a healthy lifestyle – eating right, drinking enough water and engaging in regular physical activity should all go hand-in-hand with taking CBD. If it seems that nothing is working for you, try changing up the product or method of delivery. Finding what works for you could take some time but will definitely pay off in the end!

3. It Isn’t Safe

One of the main issues surrounding CBD is misinformation, which has caused many people to either avoid this natural compound altogether or not take advantage of its health-promoting potential.

As CBD is a natural substance and very safe to use, it should be remembered that its consumption should not cause any highs or any known side effects or addiction potential.

Epidyolex and Sativex, two CBD products already available as prescription medicines in England, are already on the market: Epidyolex is used to manage severe epilepsy seizures while Sativex provides THC/CBD pain management for multiple sclerosis patients (Musso et al. 2019).

Before adding CBD to your supplement regimen, it’s always a good idea to consult your physician first – its effects vary widely between individuals, making it important that you have realistic expectations when first trying any new supplement.

4. It’s Not Effective

There has been much criticism of CBD, yet the truth is that this compound can be an effective treatment for many conditions. Recently, CBD was approved by the FDA for treating two specific forms of seizures seen in children suffering from Lennox-Gastaut and Dravet syndromes through clinical trials which compared CBD against placebos.

Clinical trials conducted to test CBD have also demonstrated its ability to relieve cancer patients of anxiety and depression symptoms, improve sleep quality, reduce anxiety levels, and lessen pain. One small study published in Alternative and Complementary Medicine demonstrated its effect on 11 people diagnosed with PTSD when taken alongside conventional mental healthcare services.

But CBD’s effectiveness can vary depending on several factors, such as dosage and the condition being treated. Many users find that it takes some trial-and-error before finding what concentration and method of administration work best for them.

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