What Causes Arthritis?

What Causes Arthritis?

What causes arthritis? In simple terms, arthritis is a disease in which the joints in the body become damaged. When an individual has this disease, the cartilage at the ends of bones wears away, causing the bone to rub against one another. This condition can lead to pain and stiffness in the affected area, which can make the patient unable to move. Arthritis can affect any joint in the body, although it most commonly affects the hands, knees, and hips.

When a person has symptoms of arthritis, a physician will perform a complete physical exam and ask about the underlying medical conditions. The doctor will check for swollen joints and redness, warmth, or tenderness in the affected joint. Sometimes, imaging tests are done to diagnose the exact type of arthritis. X-rays can show whether there is a loss of cartilage or bone spurs. Blood tests may also be performed to monitor treatment and monitor progress.

While it is difficult to determine exactly what causes arthritis, symptoms such as joint pain, swelling, and stiffness may be accompanied by other problems. The doctor may try to move the affected joint to assess range of motion. A medical examination may also reveal skin rashes or swelling. Your doctor may also check the rest of your body to see if you have problems with any other parts. This may help identify the source of the pain. If you’re experiencing joint pain, see your doctor as soon as possible.

To reduce the pain of arthritis, you can take over-the-counter or prescription medications for arthritis. Some of the stronger medicines may be prescribed by your health care provider. In addition to medication, a positive attitude can also help you overcome your condition. If you’re unsure of what causes arthritis, ask your doctor about your specific symptoms and concerns. Ask your doctor for further information and be sure to follow the prescribed treatment plan. Also, remember that there are a number of ways to control pain and inflammation.

Treatments for arthritis include medications, exercise, or dietary changes. In general, the goal is to minimize the pain and limit joint damage. In severe cases, joint replacement may be necessary. If you want to improve your quality of life, take steps to reduce your risk factors and follow a healthy lifestyle. Try to maintain a healthy weight. This will reduce pressure on joints and ease pain. It may be necessary to seek medical attention if your pain is persistent and you can’t work, but you can improve your chances of recovering from your arthritis.

Some forms of arthritis are inherited, while others are triggered by environmental factors. But most forms of arthritis develop as people age. They can affect men and women alike. Women are more prone to developing rheumatoid arthritis, while men are more susceptible to gout. Moreover, injuries to the joints can lead to arthritis as well. When an injury occurs, the affected area becomes inflamed. Regardless of how long the arthritis lasts, it can cause considerable pain and discomfort.