Keeping track of your arthritis treatments and medications is important to prevent overdose and ensure you are getting the right dose. Exercise is also a good way to relieve joint pain and maintain a healthy weight. Follow these guidelines to make your home more arthritis friendly. Walking is an excellent alternative to strenuous exercise. And be sure to consult with a doctor for recommendations. You can also take painkillers and nonprescription medications to ease the symptoms.
If you have a flare, your doctor can monitor your symptoms by ordering blood tests and imaging. Depending on your specific condition, a rheumatologist can prescribe a medication to help control your flare. Your doctor will also perform a physical exam to check if you have an infection or swelling in the affected joint. It is important to tell your doctor if your current symptoms are similar to those that you had during a past flare.
For optimal health, you should also follow a healthy diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids and do regular physical therapy. Performing physical therapy on a regular basis will help relieve joint pressure and free up nutrients. Weight loss is also an excellent treatment for arthritis. It can reduce inflammation and pain, improve flexibility, and reduce stress on joints and muscles. A balanced physical activity routine is also important to combat the progression of the disease. It is important to avoid sugary foods and other refined carbohydrates as these can make your condition worse.
RA has no single cause, but rather a combination of genetics, environment, and predisposition. Fortunately, scientists have discovered some risk factors. The condition typically begins between the ages of thirty and fifty. An example of a study conducted by the American College of Rheumatology suggests that environmental toxins may be a cause. These toxins confuse the immune system and trigger an overreaction. Therefore, avoiding exposure to them may be beneficial.
Another way to manage pain from arthritis is to warm the affected joint. Alternatively, you can use heat and cold therapy to reduce swelling. This is particularly helpful for people with gout, RA, or PA. These conditions can cause considerable throbbing pain and can make it difficult to walk. These treatments should not be used as a cure for arthritis, however. If you do not experience significant relief from arthritis pain, see a doctor as soon as possible.
Oftentimes, physicians prescribe medication to control the pain associated with arthritis. These medicines include NSAID pain relievers, antibiotics, and corticosteroids. Some of these medications are habit-forming and can cause dangerous side effects. However, if you suffer from severe arthritis pain, Dr. Kimes may recommend corticosteroid injections as an additional treatment option. They can be extremely helpful in managing the pain associated with arthritis.
For patients with mild to moderate pain, OTC pain relievers may be all that is necessary. However, for more severe cases, stronger prescription medications may be required. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, may also be prescribed. In addition to over-the-counter medications, doctors may prescribe disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) to suppress the overactive immune system.